Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Work at Smiling. Smiling at Work.
I must admit I’m entering the stage of my life where I’m constantly questioning myself. Am I good enough? Am I happy with where I am? Am I happy with what I do? Do I enjoy the company around me? How can I get more out of life?
You see, everyone is on a one way, fast track path to glory. Yes, we were taught from young, that if we worked hard, put in the hard yards and persevered, we would all enjoy life’s glorious paths as well as a big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But in a company of 500, isn’t there only 1 CEO? All around me, I see old people, jaded, weary, and full of complaints, with nothing to look forward to. They plug away, working their asses off for that imaginary promotion. Guess what? There is no pot of gold, sorry, only hungry mouths to feed. And so back to the grinding wheel they go, day after day, year after year. Dogged determination or plain stupidity? Hardy and determined, or just scared what the unknown may herald? I’ll leave it to you to decide.
The building up of human relationships far outweighs one’s duties at work, simply because no man is a rock. Human beings were created for contact. After all, God created Eve to company Adam. It wasn’t for the sex mind you (though that was a bonus). Personally, I’m of the opinion that that the daily, never ending possibility of building up a solid human relationship makes life unpredictable and interesting. Goodness overflows when relationships are enforced and strengthened. Conversely, all the good work can be undone by a little lie here and there, and the occasional disappointment. Obviously, the unintentional breaking down of relationships could be caused by illness or other unavoidable circumstances. It is nevertheless, a break down.
In the past few weeks, I’ve seen so much - so many things to frighten me for the rest of my life. Perhaps I’ve been pampered to such an extent, that none of these have ever hit so close to home. Emotions and expressions contorted by anguish and agony, and pleading words I will never forget. There were few smiles, and even if any, the slight twitching of the face, accompanied by tired eyes. Courtesy smiles. This made me think. We work so hard, day in day out with ceaseless intensity, until we are experts in our own little fields. But when faced by the issue of the breaking down of human relationships, we ourselves break down? Does understanding how the Dow Jones trends really matter when your body ceases to take in oxygen? Last week, I learnt that intense, unexpected suffering passes more quickly than suffering that is apparently bearable. The latter drags for years and nibbles away at our countenance until one day, we are no longer able to free ourselves from the bitterness of our hearts and it becomes a part of us.
Life is not a carebear on a rainbow. Human relationships are things that need work on. They do not flourish by themselves. How many people have you been “close to in the past”? Without consistent effort and consideration, you can build up all the relationships you want and still be lonely. Then your life is dull and worthless. But consume yourself with the right kind of love, and I promise you that the radiance that pervades your inner being will permeate your surroundings. Mundane client meetings and irritating people will become merely events to be informed, not emotionally involved.
When you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it, that’s why my glass is not half full. It is overflowing.
Pb, I was neither tired nor disillusioned when I wrote to you yesterday. What I said still stands. Today however, I learnt that I’d much rather be tired at you, than have to pretend to smile. Because when that happens, the smile that eventually cracks is genuine.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Weekend Magic
My mum has everything she wants, perfumes, pots, woks, pans, recipe books, furniture, vases, dining utensils, clothes, good kids, and now, even grandkid. So finding the perfect gift is usually brain-draining. SM suggested flowers (too practical I replied), but on hindsight when someone has everything practical, what they do need is some impracticality. Expensive impracticality. So I concluded that I should get her chocolates. Expensive chocolates.
Every weekend around Singapore, you would notice school kids raising funds for the needy and disabled. Mostly, they would grab their flag tins and sit around and chat for a bit, then go shopping and so on. It is but an excuse to meet up on the weekends. Such is charity in Singapore, a forced front, a point system needed to graduate from college.
At the junction of Orchard Road where pedestrian traffic comes to standstill, I noticed an RJC girl carrying her tin and asking for donations. I did a terrible thing – which was to avoid making eye contact. Worse still, I think she saw me do it. She took a couple of steps in my direction, then she paused and turned away, and then she came closer again. Why wasn’t she just approaching me for a donation?
15, 14, 13... went the traffic lights in the opposite direction.
10 seconds left. Phew! Come on! I edged forward into the crowd.
Yes, I know. I donated to one of your schoolmates down at Shaw.
Oh okay. She starts to walk away, disappointed.
No wait, can you come back please.
There were so many things running through my mind. Foremost were her sincerity and heart for the needy. It would have been so much easier for her to ignore me, especially since I was avoiding her. What impressed me was that despite being obviously reticent initially, she plucked up her nerve, did the right thing, and asked. And behind the nervous regurgitation of information, her honesty and integrity reminded me of my younger sister in all her wide-eyed earnestness – holistic intentions but somehow lacking courage. And yet there was I counting down in my head. Even with the traffic lights working hard against her, she must have been under pressure, but she did it. And I was stirred to believe in the beauty of flawed humanity once again.
It would have been creepy of me to tell her what I was thinking, and she might have flipped if I said I saw my younger sister in her.
Well I don’t have small change, so I’ll have to give you notes.
Someone once told me that life is a join-the-dot journey of a “collection of magical moments”, and this was decidedly one of them.
As I looked back, I saw her give me a wave and wide smile. I winked back at her, only hoping I made her day as she did, mine.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
He's just not that into you (her)
She took forever though! hahaha...
Let's see if you agree with the render girl
He's just not that into you
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
He's just not that into you.
1. You can never cheat and get away with it – you will end up losing both your wife and the pretty mistress
I suspect the ladies would probably rejoice at this with typical “serves you right, you bastard” panache. According to Scarlett Johansson’s character, marriage to one’s partner does not mean you have married the right one. Question is: Do you try to work things out or look for “the one”? I have a friend who divorced her fiancé after sending out the wedding invites. She married someone else and shocked all of us. Despite the tongue and finger wagging, I’m sure she was the subject of much envy from those suffering in their marriages. So do we stick by traditional morals and live unhappily ever after?
2. They say that there is no such thing as a “spark” – it is an excuse a guy makes up to tell a girl he’s not interested
Ironically, I have used this statement rather often (not withstanding it was roundabout Valentine’s Day) and found it somewhat true. But you see, sparks don’t exist inherently, you have to make them happen. You need to rub two stones together, create friction, communicate and interact. It takes two to tango, and I can only presume that if both cannot be bothered to create the spark, there will be no spark.
3. Love will find a way
Such a cliché but there’s a reason why such clichés exist. The boundaries between Hollywood love and real-live love are being blurred, thanks to all these movies. Hooray, now we all stand a chance.
4. Indifference will soon catch up with you
I see a lot of myself in here. I often cannot tell when I genuinely like someone or not, because of the psychoanalysis that’s going on concurrently. I have lost the basics of feelings and emotions to a theoretical, methodical approach. Instead, I pour scorn on those who love with all their hearts simply because the recoil impact tends to be tremendous. My bad.
5. Women are very much more affected than men
Jennifer Aniston in tears is a moving sight (not so Drew Barrymore and Scarlett Johansson I’m afraid). I would suppose there’s nothing new to learn about this statement. However, it’s good to remember that men are affected as well, they just don’t show it. A tearing Ben Affleck would reek of pathetic self-pity. Bad...
6. Men cannot say no to a woman – in this case Scarlett Johansson
Women refuse to admit it but if you’re decent looking and you chase after a man, he’s not going to say no unless he 1. Is gay, 2. Is indifferent or 3. Thinks you are drop-dead fugly. However, don’t be surprised if you are underappreciated. It’s best not to chase after men, rather, drop obvious hints and then let men do their own thing even though it may take a while.
7. It is smarter for guys to just keep quiet sometimes
Uh... If she asks you for a commitment and you say no, she’ll cry. If you say yes, you’d better mean it. If you say nothing at all, she’ll still cry, but at least your conscience is clear (and you’ve remained uncommitted – as per status quo). This is the only time where silence doesn’t give consent. Strange how we bend the rules huh? This leads me to the next rather obvious point.
8. If you really want to break up, you should just say “yes let’s do it” not “let’s try and work over this” without having the intention to do so
So obvious, yet so hard to put into practice. Because 1. She’s crying and pleading and it’s heart-wrenching 2. She still looks cute when she’s crying 3. You can be sure the next few weeks will be great – nice dinners, less arguments and mind-blowing err... interaction. You should also do it because it frees you and allows to look elsewhere rather than at a crying heap.
9. When a girl takes a “break” from the relationship, its bad news but when a guy takes a “break” from the relationship, it’s good news
Ladies don’t want to end a relationship until they’ve found another one, so they leave men dangling by that thread. Strange how men never realise they are a backup plan – perfectly executed by Scarlett Johansson in the show. Men do exactly the same thing. However, if he’s really quite serious about the whole thing, he’ll try to get through life without her, realise he can’t, then mysteriously reappear as a dishwasher. Alternatively, he’ll use his wife as a backup plan, take an extended break from his marriage, but this will lead to lesson number 1. Hmmm... I am admittedly undecided on this one.
10. Don’t pressure a guy to marry you, he’ll do it when he’s ready
Jennifer Aniston got it right – reverse psychology. I can’t say it’s foolproof but men are sadly a little bit more stupid. You just need to give them time. Women need to understand that commitment is a massive issue for men because 1. His market value would plummet 2. He can’t babewatch in the open like he used to 3. He can’t say he’s single with a clear conscience.
11. Marriage is not sacred in Hollywood – It should be in reality
You have to be retarded if you don’t already know this.
12. Girls are still attracted to the bad guys
I read a thesis on this topic written by a professor in America. He claims it is not the badness that attracts them but 1. They see a potential for change 2. They love a challenge 3. They want what they can’t have because he’s constantly comparing her to Jessica Alba and telling her she’s just not good enough. I tend to believe that women love the occasional cry preceding a heartbreak – gives them more ammunition to bitch about. In reality they are crying because they didn’t manage to change the man, and this batters their ego.
13. If he’s just not that into you, he’s really not that into you
And the signs will be crystal clear, because men are terrible at small talk. They will make polite conversation, be gentlemanly and even pay for the meal. However, their thoughts will be distracted and they will constantly scour the room for other women. If you really want to know how much a man is into you, observe his eye contact throughout the date. He will refrain from looking at an attractive woman to let you know how special he thinks you are. Here’s a big hint for the men on how to “appear interested”. Don’t say I don’t share my secrets.
14. A smooth talker isn’t so smooth when he really likes someone
How true this is! Displayed perfectly by Justin Long, who stumbles and mumbles his way into love. I’d like to think I’m pretty smooth with the ladies, but when it comes to someone I’m fond of, I just can’t string a sentence together! And yes, it frustrates the living hell out of me! However, I don’t know many women who have had this effect on me. Makes them so special isn’t? If only they knew... Life’s a bitch.
15. Internet dating works as a point of contact, but you need to make it happen
Drew Barrymore finds herself the victim of numerous cheating internet partners. Simply put, if something is more difficult to execute, the rewards are generally greater. Internet dating is easy peasy as shit, therefore you cannot expect much exclusivity. You should not fall into depression because she rejected your offer of a date through facebook/sms/email. You should however, if you asked her face to face, because that would mean you’re really not up to it. Living in a techno-savvy age only makes us hunger for more human interaction, so after facebook-stalking each other for 2 months, pick up the phone and let her hear your voice.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
I’m turning into the corporate slut the stifling Singapore working environment forces you to become. I talk about work all the time. I no longer ask others “How are you?” rather “How’s work?” It infuriates me, but increasingly I’m becoming one of them, sucked into the spiral of unending toil.
I talk about work, but I hate it when others ask me about work. I hate it when the first thing I come home, someone asks “How’s work?” because they don’t understand that’s the last bloody thing I want to talk about. Work. I don’t get adequate quality sleep anymore, and I don’t get to hang out aimlessly in Degraves sipping coffee. I don’t have meaningful conversations at home any longer because the subject is always centred on what projects I’m working on or who I’m seeing at the moment.
Speaking of which, some of you might have been led to believe I’m going to be S E R I O U S in 2009. In truth, that statement was made in the light of a spate of weddings. It’s hard to stomach a past flame married and with a kid, no wait, a couple of kids. It’s even harder to swallow the pride, trust me. Hence, that position statement was born in a fit of jealously.
But no no, after some good, albeit rueful thinking, there is little that indicates anything S E R I O U S is going to happen. I’m not prepared to sacrifice or accommodate now. That’s not to slam any windows shut, no, I think you all know me better.
They say that the workplace should not become a playground for relationships. I concur wholeheartedly. One of my colleagues stays up late with this girl I can only imagine he fancies, helping her and encouraging her. All I say is I D I O T, get a life, you’re just a tool! Somehow you’re always able to sense who fancies you (whom you can take advantage of) and who doesn’t. And to me, that power negates the need for anything serious. Most people tell me “oh, you just haven’t met the one who truly love”. That’s bullshit – akin to praying 24/7 and not studying, yet expecting to do well for an exam.
I’ve met several interesting individuals and we might or might not take it from there. I’ll leave it as that. In any case, God first, career second, girl later – no money, no honey.
I’ve changed.
I love being a corporate slut because it takes me to where home is. It enables me blend in seamlessly with the rest of the workforce. I gain great self-satisfaction from swaggering around with my suitcase. When my friends talk about work, I don’t have to say “oh I’m still studying” and be ashamed of being a noob-ish mature aged student. Instead, I whip out a name card and hear the ooohs and aaahs. I’m able to afford clothes, but more importantly, I have an E X C U S E to buy clothes.
I don’t get much sleep, but frankly speaking, who needs sleep anyway? Given sufficient ventilation and good music, I could work till midnight everyday and claim for time off. I don’t speak much with my family, but I still get the weekends with them (if I’m not at work). I suppose given the current economic situations, it’s much better to have a job than not to have one. I love it that we have prayer meetings every Thursday during lunch. We sing hymns, have a short time of devotion and then pray. They speak in tongues but I don’t. Nevertheless, it’s encouraging to see God working within our practice.
The workplace is crammed with eye candy – edible eye candy. Ubiquitous relationship opportunities. They are all in power suits and capable of intellectual conversation – a definite turn on as far as I’m concerned. 99.999% of them are attached I think, but I’ll keep my resolution to not dissolve a relationship. For as long as possible. I’m a changed man. I’ll bide my time and wait for God to provide the right one. I know that sooner or later, she’ll waltz past me and blow me a couple of kisses and we’ll both be on cloud nine.
Seeing babes all around makes work so pleasant. Where else in the world can you de-stress within a ten metre radius?
I’ve met several interesting individuals and we might or might not take it from there. I’ll leave it as that. In any case, God first, get the girl second, impress her by being a high-flyer – no money, but at least there’s potential.
S C H I Z O P H R E N I C . . . hmmm, who shall I be today?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
A Starbuck Lesson
“Oh shit, I have to finish 3 essays by tonight”
“Aiya okay, I’m here to encourage you mah”
“I really need to get a H2A average this semester so I can do honours next year”
“Don’t worry, sure can one lah”
Monday, May 05, 2008
Are girls the most beautiful of God's creation?
J came down to Melbourne for a surprise visit which was awesome (except that we bumped into too far many people). I told her that I still don't think I'm ready for anything long term, and I'd rather not have her do that. She sniffled quite a bit and I felt very, very bad. I'm just thinking about my new year's resolution to be more committed. I was talking to Waimay for a bit and she found it quite incredulous that I needed at least 10 more years to make any lifetime commitment whatsoever. I'm beginning to think I'm not so invincible anymore. This sucks...
On a brighter note, Senator Barack Obama declared on the 21st of March that he would have been an architect had the presidency not called to him.

You better believe it...