Wednesday, January 03, 2007

hello goodbye hello goodbye...

I wonder what your thoughts are as we enter a new year. I hope you have thoughts, because it is tragic to live life without looking back and reflecting, and then planning ahead for the future.

They say: Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

Actually, this is not an entirely appalling mentality at all. After all, we’re called to live as if each day were our last. But think about this way, after eating, drinking and partying all day and night, would you honestly die a happy death? Ask the hardcore clubbers whether they feel empty or not. Ask them if they’re proud of themselves! Ask them if they know where they’re going after they die! All is vanity!

The most screwed up part of this saying is that most of the time, we DON’T die the next day, because God is gracious enough to keep us breathing for another day. Then what happens? Because there is no more good food to eat, no more of the best wine to drink and absolutely nothing to be merry about. Therefore, my motto for 2007 is

Eat SHIT (work hard), in case we don’t die tomorrow.

My slogan emphasizes sustainability. It ensures continuity of events because 24 hours is way too short sometimes. In everything, being able to predict consequences is key because acting rashly and foolishly will only hurt oneself.

However, this does not mean hoarding one’s possessions and being selfish or aspiring to be a workaholic, but rather, being generous in distributing aid and love to people. I must add that this is NOT to be done to the extent that you forgo everything (that is awfully stupid) because each person has his own life to lead and you shouldn’t aim to dictate their actions and lives anyway.

God has blessed me with the best family in the world and many, many good friends. Sometimes, I think, too many. Nevertheless, I aim to be a better son and a better friend.

Someone also asked me if 2007 is the year I would get attached. To be honest, I really don’t know and I can’t be stuffed in any case. I suppose, after more that a year’s hiatus, anything is possible. But then again, it’s not as if 2006 was entirely opportunity-less for me. The Lord will guide me in His time. Quite simply, the more you look, the less you’re likely to find, because most (good) girls are not desperate. I’m perfectly happy enjoying close relationships with many girlfriends – which is currently the case.

All simple targets, but lots to fulfill and ponder over. So do chide me if I go overboard, as I often do.

May you all have a most blessed 2007. God be with you all.


kai 凯 said...

haha. wowsome. sustainability concept. at least u don merely follow the trend.

happy new year mate.

Anonymous said...

yo hunky punk! :) i like tt you dont make ppl feel bad tt they missed your birthday, and i like tt you reply their comments! anw, the gifts were a pleasure and an honour, and the least we could do. miss you. keep in Him!

Jon Lai said...

hi fatty girl.. miss you lots :(

oops. did I reply to your comment too late? Sorry, I haven't logged on for a long time that's why. Anyway, enjoy yourself (though not toooooo much) and remember to read your bible and pray everyday. :)))