Monday, November 20, 2006

when life fucks up on you

I wonder how I can sing "Jesus, how great thou art" in church one day and scream "Fuck this shit" the very next day. I'm such a horrible hypocrite it worries me. It probably worries me even more that others don't see themselves as hypocrites. Stupid people worry me.. especially stupid friends whom I love.

Sometimes, I think life can be nothing but a pain in the arse.

Sometimes, I think mission trips can be nothing but a farce - personal enjoyment, masked religion.

Sometimes, I think guys walk girls home because they want nothing else than to get inside their pants.

Sometimes, I think Sigmund Freud is right, the world is made of sex.

Sometimes, I wonder why I try to walk the straight and narrow road.

Sometimes, I wonder why bother if I'm going to fail anyway.


Dated the Post Office lady and the Don Don girl in the past week. I'm stressed - needed a break from studying. Both dates turned out to be really bad, disgusting might be a better word. It goes to show that looks aren't everything.

Not particularly looking forward to going home either. Who gives a shit about Singapore girls, satay and stingray when I have to work the next 3 months?

Dear God, don't save the queen, save me.


kai 凯 said...

wow power man. at least got dates b4 exams.

sometimes there are ways of being friend with, ethnics of being smaart, n ways of synchronising-compromising ^_^

once-a-while super power wowsome goodday is powerly good though life is long way shitty .. haha

kenchin said...

Yo dude.. man u sound quite stressed up man... double standards like i've said before is quite evident in everyone.. when u go on a tram.. if u dont pay the tram ticket.. its already wrong.. and it probably just is just as bad as stealing.. but yet pple think not paying the tram ticket is pretty ok.. and condem pple who shoplift steal or rob..

I never felt ready for missions.. thats why I never went on them.. and I mean.. going to places like Bangladesh? for a vacation? man u mite as well chose going to US for missions.. :) Missions arent for everyone..

Testosterone is the sole chemical hormone contributor responsible for sex drive.. and what are guys at this age? effectively walking bags of testosterone.. YET we're given higher funcions in our brain that modulate these drives(id, ego and superego- freudian theory).. and also what we believe in our heart.. these act to suppres our very instinctive nature.. and its important that we learn to control ourselves- yes walking girls back home at night infact puts u in a very tempting position. But like what khai mentions- for the safety of friends that we love and care for.. and also isnt it part of friendship and also chivalry?

Anyway I cant comment much on dates.. never been on many.. girls look at me and think that I'm one science person to be locked up for eternity in a lab:)..

To end off.. I just tot i'd quote the motto of Amnesty International.. maybe it'll make some meaning to you

"It is better to light a candle.. than to curse the darkness"

Jon Lai said...

kai - you're super wowsome man!!!

vins - I'm misunderstood. If your initentions are good, so be it, that's brilliant. I only hope others can say that meaning that.

RYC walking girls home, love and care, friendship and chilvary. I suggest walk on the side of caution. If that's the way you look at it, have you considered how the girl looks at it? Or whether she might want to walked home and all that.

These are all noble qualities, human intentions however are a slimy thing, and I have no intention of bringing anyone down, only warning and in love if might be.

Ken: It's better to curse the darkness, or you'll never know what the light looks like. Compare and contrast you know. :)