Friday, September 15, 2006

Nike Dunks Day!!

Man... I am SO pissed off the 56k connection!!! I've lost countless ebay auctions because of that!! And today, I should have won another pair of Nike Mexico Dunks SB. Urrrgh!!!

Speaking of which, I have accquired 2 pairs of sneakers in the last month. I know I need a pair of new shoes, but this sudden passion for buying shoes is quite surprising. I now have a pair of De La Souls and a pair of Paul Rodriguez Zoom Air Elites. Also, while shopping with Yan Tyng on Wednesday, she reinforced the fact that I'm a brand conscious freak. I won't buy any other shoes even though they look similar. No fakes and no B-grade products, only the REAL thing. The secret to shopping is obvious: Look for the bargains. Big brands at small prices - that's the way to shop. Most of the time, say you buy a fake jersey that costs you $45, for just $25 more, you can get the real thing. Or, wait 2 months down the road, it might actually cost $45 too!! On Wednesday (retail therapy day), I got:

1. Adidas Japan WC2006 jersey - $40 (original price $120)
2. Zoo York Polo Tee - $30 (original price $70)
3. Mod Kulture Pink Long Sleeved Stripe shirt - $20 (original price $80)

This takes the total savings to a massive $180, meaning that I effectively had a 66% discount on all items. Now that's not too bad.

Back to the sneakers, they aren't going to last long however, because they are selling for about 1.5 times the price which I got them for, which means I'm probably going to sell them and make a quick buck. Heh heh, I've got my eyes on a pair of Nike Dunk SB Ginoblis which I hope to buy using the profit. Do I sound sneaky or what (pardon the pun)? Then again, maybe I just sound like a girl. Because guys don't go retail therapy-ing and a lot of guys also can't give a shit about their personal grooming, then they ask why they're so unattractive. Duh!!

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P/S Sheralyn thinks I'm gay... man, I'm so flattered
PP/S Denise, you're the only one who understands Nike Dunks.. sympathize with me ya? lol :p

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